On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22:25:04 +0300, Thomas Backlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about
Re: [expert] Why is urpmi such a pain in the ...?:

>Vincent Danen kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika Keskiviikko 17 Syyskuu
>2003 22:07):

{ Avi Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> }

>> > icon in the KDE task bar which changes color when there are updates
>> > available.  Click on it and you get a menu allowing you to check for
>> > updates, show the last update log or start the update process.  very
>> > nice, clean and can help users keep their system safe.
>> I agree, this would be nice and hopefully this is something that can be
>> done for 9.3 or 10.0.
>AFAIK in contribs there is a package started with the aim of doing this:
>I haven't tested it myself so I can't say if it works... 

With all due respect to you all, but I don`t like the idea one bit. It means
Mandrakesoft has a line into my taskbar which I did not ask for. Just as I
don`t like Microsoft working interactively with my computer, or other
adware/spyware calling home when I still used Windows, I wouldn`t like
Mandrakesoft to have a thread into any corner of my boxes. If it`s an
optional package,  fine I won`t use it. If it comes built in the distro I
will disable it, remove it or whatever it takes to avoid it. It goes against
my sense of privacy. Maybe not to that of others, very well, but I don`t
like the idea.

Just my EUR 0.02.

=Dick Gevers=

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