James Sparenberg wrote:
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 12:13, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

HaywireMac wrote:

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 10:42:37 -0700
Rolf Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

That none of these critics and dreamers has yet provided the world
with a comparable,
more profitable linux distribution suggests that, notwithstanding the possibilities of a million monkeys typing on a million keyboards for a
million years, these lists are not the likely source of the proper
tough decisions Mandrake must make in order to continue in the
challenging, sometimes hostile, unpredictable corporate environment.

well, us chattering monkeys should just keep our mouths shut, eh, ralphy


anyway, go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, ya snot-nosed
bitch, if the sound of those typewriters in keeping you awake, go hide
under a rock and us lowly end-users will try to keep it down a bit.


Absent any logical refutation of my points, I suppose this eloquent exposition of your master of profanity will have to do. It seems those whose powers of reason fail to serve must resort to cruder expressions of agression. Alas, it would appear your 'powers' have abandoned you long before the Rice Krispies have lost their snap crackle and pop.


Excuse me.. But how about this .... both of you shut up.... I'm tired of
wah and whine.  end it here and now.  Too bad Todd isn't around to start

Why? I have to sift through endless diverted threads comprised only of clever personal asides, not to mention your own use of this list to inject innuendo about your real or imagined mistreatment on the cooker list. Why is that I must read all the uninformed conjecture and projection about the terrible job Mandrake is doing and, when I provide some intelligence to the contrary, when I step up to provide part of what is the minority defense of Mandrake to what is already an innapropriate body of not more than FUD, I should tolerate such a vulgar attack and your own threat-by-proxy lest I abandon my viewpoint, just because it does not cleave to your espousals, apparently? It's an open list and, like I say, I'm paying for it.



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