ed tharp wrote:
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 15:13, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

HaywireMac wrote:

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 10:42:37 -0700
Rolf Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

That none of these critics and dreamers has yet provided the world
with a comparable,
more profitable linux distribution suggests that, notwithstanding the possibilities of a million monkeys typing on a million keyboards for a
million years, these lists are not the likely source of the proper
tough decisions Mandrake must make in order to continue in the
challenging, sometimes hostile, unpredictable corporate environment.

well, us chattering monkeys should just keep our mouths shut, eh, ralphy


anyway, go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, ya snot-nosed
bitch, if the sound of those typewriters in keeping you awake, go hide
under a rock and us lowly end-users will try to keep it down a bit.


Absent any logical refutation of my points, I suppose this eloquent exposition of your master of profanity will have to do. It seems those whose powers of reason fail to serve must resort to cruder expressions of agression. Alas, it would appear your 'powers' have abandoned you long before the Rice Krispies have lost their snap crackle and pop.


Well, Far be it from me to have to appear to defend Haywire, but to a
logical "refutation" of your points, ,,, "That none of these critics and dreamers has yet provided the world with
a comparable, more profitable linux distribution" Well that might be _YOUR_ point, but as someone who has posted somewhat
earlier in this thread, and to who's posts you may (it appears) be
responding to before this latest input from Hatewire,, errr,,, Hey-wire,
it never was the intent of anyone (before you interjected) to create a
_new_ or different product,, (you seem to have that on your mind from my
reading) as we are pretty sure the product tests out to be the best
available,,, what we are discussing is any manner that the members of
this group can CONSTRUCTIVELY contribute their own areas of expertise in
some manner that will NOT reinvent the wheel, or interfere with the
business of Mandrakesoft.

Well, you attribute to me only what Haywire quoted for his ends; hardly fair. Did you read my original post? I explicitly quoted Lee Wiggers:
Such comments as Mandrake 'don't try to make money' or 'shoot itself in the foot over and over again' are not, to my mind, particularly kind, productive, or even accurate.
and went on to provide some documentation to the contrary. Please read that.

I have been on these lists long enough to see the same story play out over and over again. I'm sorry but I don't think developing alternate distribution strategies is a practical topic for this list. It's the sort of topic that has not yielded anything but OT ruminations for the three-and-a-half years that I am aware. Personally, I am tired of seeing both the speculative hypotheses of how Mandrake is screwing up and how to fix it on_this_list. Maybe something could be accomplished but that is not born out by history and the noise is not justified by the small chance that that it will happen.

I made a number of points that further include my observation that facile criticism and reasons for downloading without paying anything go, in large part, hand-in-hand. Not even to say that anyone in this thread practices such a thing but that, to allow such criticisms to go unchallenged, in my way of thinking, is to only make it easier for leechers to think they have a reason.


Really I think almost everyone that contributed to this thread would
rather shut up than have someone take the quote out of context and have
it sound as though they were not "pro-mandrake", but I also believe
everyone that I have seen contribute to _this_ thread, so far, has
already _earned_ the right to speak their mind on this subject, haywire
excluded <g> due to lack of mind, not lack of earned right.

So, that said, I am willing to take input (off list) from anyone with
contacts or ideas, regarding the ability to distribute and print CDs and
make sales to the major distributors in the USA of retail software, and
even if I don't respond to your input, I welcome and promise to read it.

I want it made clear that nothing will happen without the consent of
Mandrakesoft, even though I know I can take the GPL version and do just
as cheepbytes does, and that whatever (if anything) does come of it, it
will be to AID Mandrakesoft.



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