ed tharp wrote:
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 16:35, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

Well, you attribute to me only what Haywire quoted for his ends;

not really that was all that was quoted, but I feel pretty confidant that I was also replying to the over all tenor of your post, and only since you brought up the 'a comparable, more profitable linux distribution' argument, which _is_ what I responded directly to.

You responded to what you read, including Haywire's interpretation, which hardly does anything to clarify my points.

What I was trying to say about noone providing something similar to what Mandrake does was meant to imply only that, perhaps, so many who are so quick to try to explain what Mandrake's problem is should do what Mandrake have done before making what are really uninformed, insulting comments about the company and the developers. I see it as insulting when comments are made that imply such as what Wiggers said about the people who make the distro, that they are incompetent or, generally, such facile suggestions are all that Mandrake is missing. Maybe that's just me.


Personally, I am tired of seeing both the speculative hypotheses of how Mandrake is screwing up and how to fix it on_this_list.

then maybe a filter for this thread would work for you??

Thanks for the condescending suggestion. Quite a while ago, on Mandrake Forum, Denis mused whether he was wasting time responding to the anonymous coward Mandrake bashers. I posted that I thought he should provide his alternate viewpoint as, if the FUD went unchallenged, those who didn't know better could very well adopt the FUD as truth. I don't make a habit of stirring the pot but I have made some hundreds of posts to the lists, probably, when I thought I had something to offer or to learn, as well as almost 3 thousand posts to the old MandrakeUser.org forum, where I had become a moderator before its demise. My involvement is such that I am not always going to simply ignore what seems to me to be uninformed/insulting comments about the distribution I would like to succeed.



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