On Mon Sep 29, 2003 at 11:01:38PM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:

> >Your wife won't let you haul around the laptop either, eh?  =)
> >
> >Well, I just spent some time googling and the closest I've come is a
> >version of vim for WinCE (I knew I should have gotten that HP thingy
> >instead of the Tungsten).  There's one for the Zaurus as well, which
> >wasn't available when I got my Tungsten (well, not available to me
> >anyways).
> >
> >Quite disappointing.  The closest thing is some html editors for the
> >palm... not even close to what I want.  =(
> >
> yep... I once took a laptop on vacation with us and you should have seen 
> that face I got! *shiver*

hehehe... well, my wife knows not to argue about laptops on vacation... I
don't go anywhere for a long period of time without my machine.  I remember
last year going to the mountains with my dad and brother... brought my ibook
with me and it went hiking around the rockies with me.

Man am I glad I was carrying that little sucker and not my old Toshiba
satellite!  That 5lbs got heavy after a while!

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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