On Tue Sep 30, 2003 at 01:42:48PM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:

> >It started originally as sympa and never changed.  The only reason I got 
> >the
> >mandrakesecure lists running under ezmlm-idx is because I use qmail on the
> >mandrakesecure.net server.
> >
> >That will likely change in the future, however.  I plan to move the
> >mandrakesecure lists to exim and mailman and at that point can demonstrate
> >that mailman is all we need.  (I, too, have been requesting a change from
> >sympa for years).
> >
> >The only thing stopping me from doing that today is the need to get my own
> >exim config down pat first... I have to do some major hacking to get TMDA 
> >to
> >sit in front of mailman so that spam is non-existant.  Right now, my own
> >mailing lists are subscriber-only, but that still ends up with a lot of 
> >spam
> >sitting in the moderator queue.  With qmail and ezmlm-idx it was a piece of
> >cake, with exim and mailman it's a little more challenging.
> >
> Interesting. But since you use Qmail as opposed to Postfix, won't Qmail 
> filter the spam as easily as Postfix does? I use postfix on my Mandrake 
> 8.2 server and can't remember the last time I got any spam.

Sure, you can plug in something like spamassassin or, in my case, TMDA.  But
I don't want to filter spam on that server (globally).  I distrust using
spam filters on a server that serves multiple users (what's one man's spam
is another man's treasure, bla bla).  On my own servers, I just filter bad
attachments; spam filtering (in my mind) should be handled client-side.

Anyways, I put TMDA in front of the mailing lists to accomplish a few
things.  First, anyone subscribed can post normally.  Anyone not subscribed
has to confirm their email with TMDA.  If they confirm their email, it ends
up in the moderator queue.  Then I confirm it, and it goes to the list.

This is a huge help for me.  Instead of getting 100+ emails per month to
moderate, I get 5.  I only see legitimate messages in the moderator queue.
The rest sits in TMDA's spool for 30 days before getting deleted if the
sender hasn't confirmed.

Makes administration a breeze.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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