On Tue Sep 30, 2003 at 11:58:32AM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:

> >hehehe... well, my wife knows not to argue about laptops on vacation... I
> >don't go anywhere for a long period of time without my machine.  I remember
> >last year going to the mountains with my dad and brother... brought my 
> >ibook
> >with me and it went hiking around the rockies with me.
> >
> >Man am I glad I was carrying that little sucker and not my old Toshiba
> >satellite!  That 5lbs got heavy after a while!
> Say Vincent, while I'm thinkin about it...how's come the Mandrake list 
> software is Sympa instead of Mailman?

It started originally as sympa and never changed.  The only reason I got the
mandrakesecure lists running under ezmlm-idx is because I use qmail on the
mandrakesecure.net server.

That will likely change in the future, however.  I plan to move the
mandrakesecure lists to exim and mailman and at that point can demonstrate
that mailman is all we need.  (I, too, have been requesting a change from
sympa for years).

The only thing stopping me from doing that today is the need to get my own
exim config down pat first... I have to do some major hacking to get TMDA to
sit in front of mailman so that spam is non-existant.  Right now, my own
mailing lists are subscriber-only, but that still ends up with a lot of spam
sitting in the moderator queue.  With qmail and ezmlm-idx it was a piece of
cake, with exim and mailman it's a little more challenging.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
"lynx -source http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc | gpg --import"
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