On Mon Sep 29, 2003 at 08:00:49PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> [snip]
> WinCE???  What are you thinking??? :)

I'm thinking there is probably a hack to let me get Linux on a machine that
would run WinCE.  =)

> What about the Zaurus; is it any good?  I was really hyped for the

I don't know.  A fellow in town here had a prototype of the original Zaurus
and I got to play with it a little bit and it was very cool...  I liked the
fact you could get a terminal on there.  =)  Had some other cool stuff as
well, but to get a Zaurus up here (in Canada) is really really expensive and
I don't want to deal with it if it blows up.  At least with a palm or
WinCE-based pda I can go back to Future Shop with it and deal with them and
their extended warranty.

> Agenda VR3 a few years ago, but they died and I got really
> disappointed.  I've grown pretty used to the PalmOS and I've also
> been looking at Sony Clie lately.  A friend at work has a Clie and
> it's really small but has great graphics - good price too.
> I'd like to try the linux pda scene, but I'm concerned that I
> would be taking a step backward as far as graffiti support and
> apps and just general usability.  I really would like access to
> linux tools though (ssh, vi, pine).  They keep trying to put all
> these stupid "features" in the new pdas; they're ridiculous for
> the most part.  I'd like something exactly like my visor, except
> with a color screen.  I like the springboard port and being able
> to connect a full-size keyboard (I hate those goofy little
> thumb-keyboards!)  And finally, I want to be able to ssh into my
> server with a 802.11b wireless card or a wireless modem while
> still connected to the keyboard.
> I don't ask too much, do I?

Nope, you're like me.  =)  I've got a Tungsten T and was hoping I could
share the network connection from my powerbook using bluetooth, but I
haven't been able to figure that out yet.  I assume it is possible somehow,
but just need to sit down and figure it out.  I was also looking at the
other Tungsten models; the integrated cell phone one was cool but I'd have
to go with a cellphone carrier that I vowed never to use again, so that was
out.  The 802.11b model (Tungsten W?) looked pretty cool, but was about $300
more than what I could get my Tungsten T for, so I opted for it.

I've also got the portable fold out keyboard, and I like how the Tungsten
squishes down to become smaller.  Definitely my kind of machine.

Now if I could replace PalmOS with Linux (with a way to return to it if I
wanted), that would kill.  Ideally a Linux system that could run PalmOS in
some kind of virtualization... now that would rule.  Or, rather, some nice
"geek" apps for PalmOS.

I use my Palm more for note taking, the calendar, and address book.. working
on word docs on it is a definite bonus.  But I want to take that a step
further.  =)  I know there is a ssh for palmos (would have to hunt thru my
bookmarks to find it), so I was hoping there would be more of that kind of

Ah well, maybe someone smarter than me can port vi to palmos... =)

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
"lynx -source http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc | gpg --import"
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