On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 05:06:47PM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> No, I didn't see it.  Thanks for sending it on.  I got LVG's though.  
> Before I saw this I had found an article on Gramofile through google, 
> so I've installed it.

The nice thing about gramofile is that it has filters to get rid of
the cracking noise of old records and that its track detection
algorithm works rather well. I was pleasantly suprised when I used it
to digitalize some old tapes. I'll probably do some LPs as well, or at
least some highlights, to get them to ogg-vorbis for "on the road"[0].
At home, LP still rules supreme.

> But the first need is to actually get the sound in.  What can I use 
> that will give me some feedback as to whether it is actually hearing 
> anything?  It's too time-consuming to keep attempting a recording 
> when you don't know whether there's anything there in the first 
> place.

When you use the line-in connection of your sound card, chances are
that you will be able to hear it in the speakers of your computer
already - it seems to be the default mixer setting on most systems. If
you don't fire up the mixer program of your choice (aumix, kmix, gmix,
to name but a few) and fiddle with the settings for line-in.
You'll need the mixer anyway with gramofile, to set a decent recording
level as to avoid clipping (=too hard) and noise (=to low).

Also, be aware that most standard PC sound cards don't produce very
high quality recordings. It's probably good enough for most things,
but if you're a very critical listener, don't expect the same level as
from really good HiFi equipment. I actually bought a Turtle Beach
Tahiti just for that purpose (quite cheap these days, as it's ISA),
which is great - very low noise and good Analogue to Digital convertors,
but depending on what you want to accomplish, that might be overkill...



[0] Toshiba Librettos are cool... ;-)
                Thomas Ribbrock    http://www.ribbrock.org 
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