On Tuesday 30 Sep 2003 9:59 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 September 2003 12:06 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > No, I didn't see it.  Thanks for sending it on.  I got LVG's
> > though. Before I saw this I had found an article on Gramofile
> > through google, so I've installed it.  I'll also take a look at
> > LV's suggestions of audacity and rezound.
> I used rezound to edit stuff - its pretty awesome - keep in mind it
> works out of the box with ogg but you'll have to install Lame to
> work with mp3s.
> > But the first need is to actually get the sound in.  What can I
> > use that will give me some feedback as to whether it is actually
> > hearing anything?  It's too time-consuming to keep attempting a
> > recording when you don't know whether there's anything there in
> > the first place.
> >
> > Anne
> Oh - I used a component cassette player with right and left RCA
> jacks, via a cable that ended in the 1/8 inch mini-plug needed for
> the line-in jack. With aumix up, and line-in set to RED (which in
> this case means go, not stop) I could hear the music playing, even
> before recording. You should be able to hear the music you are
> feeding in, if not something is not turned on/connected right.
> HTHs! :-)

Right - this one gave me the clue.  I had checked the settings in 
aumix, but I hadn't realised that I needed to change the Rec to red - 
should have done.  However, now I can get sound easily with the aumix 
line showing red.  As soon as I change to rec I get sound, but with 
what sounds like someone fast beating on woodblocks at the same time.  
Any ideas on that one?

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