bob_brigante wrote:
> A lot of people got their advanced techniques too early, which is 
> probably why the advanced techniques were de-emphasized for many 
> years (I'm quite sure that people tended to falsely answer the 
> questions in the advanced technique interview out of ambition or out 
> of delusion about their experiences). The analogy used in talking 
> about advanced techniques was that of a gardener tending to a plant: 
> fertilize the plant too early or at the wrong time, and you could 
> slow the development of the plant. 
> The advanced techniques were intended to slow down transcendence, to 
> allow people to develop familiarity with the subtle levels of life on 
> the way to the transcendent, thus enabling a richer experience when 
> Cosmic Consciousness was gained, but slowing down the growth of those 
> people who were not really stress-free enough to benefit from 
> advanced techniques.
> So your friend could have gotten the advanced techniques too early, 
> but possibly he was just doomed to be crunched by this miserable 
> Kaliyuga environment anyway regardless of the timeliness of the 
> advanced techniques, which does not allow people to be happy. 
> Stronger meditators (those whose awareness is developed enough to 
> withstand the anti-happiness environment) keep on with TM through 
> thick and thin; weaker meditators will just have to wait on the 
> sidelines until Satyuga rushes in, and maybe they'll stick around...
I disagree.  In fact from MMY's lectures on advanced techniques he 
wanted people to get them in a year and half after the first technique.  
And I think he even shorted it later to 1 year?  But there was a 
shortage of advanced technique teachers.   I guess he didn't trust 
enough people to have more in the field.  Gee, big deal as there would 
be nothing complicated about teaching those.  Maybe the mystique was 
part of the mind control?

I've seen plenty of people do fine from the start with mantras which are 
about as long as the advanced techniques.  But those have been given 
with shaktipat so the meditation has been "jump started" so to speak.   
Preferentially you want you meditation teachers to give shaktipat but 
MMY to save time utilized the puja for enlivening the mantras.  By 
saving time to be proper he would have had to wait until he felt each 
and every teacher was ready to give shaktipat and actually impart some 
shakti (the process is trivial).  With that process he would have made 
1/1000 the number of teachers he did.

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