I do, however, find Icke documenting most (not all) of his
information. I've actually written him complaining that he ought to do
it more, but like most of us -- me included -- he gets carried away by
his feelings sometimes and goes on little tirades. Definitely not
scientific, and you are good to call us all on it when we do it.

The thing is, Bronte, you give no quarter when blasting the
inconsistencies and flaws you see in guru school of thought. Why do
you tolerate it in Icke's theories?

Hi, Lurk! Have you read Icke, either of this two most recent books? If 
you read them, you might understand why I don't blast him. I don't find 
flaws or inconsistencies in the guy. I sometimes find him petty and 
sometimes he is too hasty shooting off his mouth and not substantiating 
his evidence. But enough evidence is there to make me pay notice. 
Again, it's not his reasoning I have a problem with. He has a 
remarkable ability to breaks the boxes of my preconceptions and show me 
a whole new way of looking at data I previously thought could only be 
interpreted a certain way. And often, his observations resonate with me 
deeply as truth. Certainly not all the time, but enough that I highly 
recommend those last two books as a read: "Tales from the Time Loop" 
and "Infintie Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion." I 
always admire a fresh perspective and original thinking. Icke provides 
this. IMO, the world could use a lot more of it! - Bronte

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