I think it would be very cool if Ron got the nom, but on the 15th
Kucinich is doing his "send me money on the 15th" thingy.  I doubt
he'll beat any of Ron's money totals, but I'm giving Kucinich $100
just so I can look in the mirror and say I did one small thing for my
political beliefs besides voting and mentioning Kucinich now and then
in posts etc.

If either wins, I can only expect that our present
spy-on-everyone-and-breed-fear-of-everyone BushCo paranoia will
dramatically subside.

Still, I don't hear these guys saying often enough how they would
reverse what BushCo has done to all the laws with signing statements,
outright disobediance, and cramming every federal bureaucracy with
cronies done to the second or third levels -- it'll be tough to change
so much back to "normal" without those who have benefited from that
rape shouting that they're being abused.

I sure hope Ron doesn't do a victory scream when he wins Iowa's vote.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Check out Ron Paul's 11.3 million raised this quarter, and he never 
> picked up a phone or attended a fundraiser to do it -- all done by 
> grassroots people on the side.
>  In Alaska, a poll just showed him first for Republicans, and about 
> 7% above the next candidate. He is at least 3rd in polls in NH, and 
> possibly 1st or 2nd in Iowa.
> On December 16th, there is another 1 day push by grassroots to raise 
> money - last time he raised 4.2 million in one day. He could be the 
> Republican who raises by far the most this quarter 
> http://www.ronpaul2008.com/
> I love Ron Paul........there I said it !
> And there is the Ron Paul Blimp  sailing up the East coast -- coming 
> tomorrow possibly ! ! !
> (paid for by other independent fundraising, entirely seperate (over 
> and above) from the 11.3 million  ! )
> GO RON PAUL ! ! !
> OffWorld

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