Duveyoung wrote:
> Still, I don't hear these guys saying often enough 
> how they would reverse what BushCo has done to all 
> the laws with signing statements, outright disobediance, 
> and cramming every federal bureaucracy with cronies 
> done to the second or third levels -- it'll be tough 
> to change so much back to "normal" without those who 
> have benefited from that rape shouting that they're 
> being abused.
"Really, if Clinton is going to suggest that Americans 
want the person most ready to be President on Day 1, 
which includes immediately taking charge of the war 
effort and dealing with our most pressing national 
security threats, she's just making the case for 
McCain. No other candidate even comes close to passing 
that test. And to say that we should vote for that 
candidate over someone who started running for President 
from his first day in the Senate is to again make the 
case for McCain over herself in a general election."

Read more:

'Hillary questions her own candidacy, promotes McCain'
By Drew Cline

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