I make no claims to being a "precise thinker." When I wrote that "TM
works" I was referring to that study and others that show it produces
measurable physiological changes that are correlated with improved
health and well-being. The exaggerated claims you ascribe to me are
entirely your invention. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > No it is not. If you are reduced to claiming that someone "really
> > meant" something quite different from what he actually wrote, there is
> > no possibility of any meaningful discusssion. 
> You said the blood pressure study proved that TM works.  What does
> that mean to you?  What most people who make that claim in ffld or on
> this forum mean is "how dare you question MMY's scientifically
> validated programs to create world peace, perfect health and
> invincibility when studies show that TM works."  You may be a more
> precise thinker about this than most though.

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