On Dec 13, 2007, at 8:24 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

Are you lying Sal, or are you just stupid and accidentally learned
some other technique than everyone else, and have got them all mixed
up. Maybe you are supposed to be on another forum, and got mixed up
and ended up on the TM forum, because the advice you describe never
came from the TM teachers.

Of course it didn't come from the teachers, Off--it came from the TMO, pushing their AV 'remedies' and discouraging people both from getting regular check-ups as well as counseling. The result was a number of now-deceased people, as well as many others with seriously compromised health.

This was a very big deal for years, Off. To say you've never heard of it, you'd either have to be very dishonest, or stupid. So, which is it, Off? :)


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