The future for the 21st century is research published in respected
peer-reviewed scientific journals. Period.
Get used to it.

Dear Off_World, I am with you on this.  Jon Hagelin is too and he is 
a bone-fide scientist apparently.  
And those who are not with us?  Evidently negative tending social 
parasites as a TM-TB'er as Nabby might say it & Dangerous to society 
by concluding your reasoning.  

Jon Hagelin in the FF Ledger:
"Extensive published research shows that coherence and positivity is
created in collective consciousness when a small number of people
practice the Transcendental Meditation and more advanced Yogic
Flying techniques together in a group-"

"The Invincible America Assembly is raising the quality of
consciousness and behavior throughout society to be more
more life supporting. And Nature is responding more positively."

End of story

Yes, that is my experience.
Off_World, whoever you are,
Luv to Thee Off_W in this your TM-jihad.
Jai Guru Dev, 
-Doug in FF

see this link for Hagelin's current TMmovement thoughts Published in 
the Fairfield Daily Ledger:

--- In, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > 
> > Heart of TM-jihad as expressed by Off_World:
> > 
> > "you are not remotely qualified to make
> > that judgment. Only scientists are, and they have overwhelmingly
> > found the science in TM studies to be robust. That is why 
> > at the NIH gave $20 million (and rising) in research money to
> > Maharishi University, and more than 5 major universities in the US
> > are currently engaged in research on TM. Over 200 studies in peer-
> > reviewed scientific journals... and STILL anti-science people like
> > you ( a lot like George Bush and the anti-evolution crowd) want to
> > destroy science and everything it has built. Your type belong in 
> > dark ages.
> > 
> > Science is the future, and peer-reveiwed published research is 
> > future but you are afraid of it.
> > 
> > Get used to it, it is not going away despite the best efforts of 
> > anti-science people.
> > 
> > To me there is no lower people than anti-science people like the
> > fundie Christians and fundie Muslims.
> > 
> > OffWorld
> >
> > 
> > TM-Jihad!!!!!!!TM-Jihad!!!!!TM-Jihad!!!!!TM-Jihad!!!!TM-
> Jihad!!!!!!!!>>
> That is typical of anti-science fundies to say things I did not say.
> Your 'TM-Jihad' words you pin on me because of being an anti-
> fundamentalist. I am not interested in TM philosophy or beliefs...I 
> said that I would go by research only, wether it goes against TM, 
> for TM. 
> I AM THE ONLY ONE on FFL that is that open minded on the topic, and 
> can say with hinesty that, for society at large, I will go by what 
> peer-reviewed research published finds. Period. 
> I only go by research published in respected peer-reviewed 
> journals. I am the only one on FFL that has said I will change my 
> mind if the research changes. I, unlike the anti-science crowd, am 
> the ONLY one on FFL that STATES CLEARLY that I would change, based 
> solid research as stated above. This makes everyone else on this 
> board an anti-science fundamentalist. I will change my mind on the 
> whole thing if even only 1/4 of the research published in respected 
> peer-reviewed journals goes the other way. I will change my 
> recommendations of the practice on that basis alone. But 
> fundamentlaists put words in your mouth which were not there, 
> they are afraid of the truth. They want to keep believing in santa-
> claus and the tooth fairy and uncorroborated claims. 
> I don't. 
> My experiences are tremendous, but to me that is no proof of 
> whatsoever. Only research published in respected peer-reviewed 
> scientific journals is proof of anything. The anti-science crowd on 
> FFL want to ignore science, and just like the anti-science nuts 
> the Neocons they want to put words in your mouth.
> It is quite amazing, and that you save, or go and look for all 
> posts, shows your fundamentalist fanaticism, and then put meaning 
> there that was not there. This is typical behaviour of the anti-
> science practices of the fundamentalist christians and muslims, and 
> people like George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Haggard, Condi Rice, 
> Jerry Falwell and other ignorant nutcases.
> The future for the 21st century is research published in respected 
> peer-reviewed scientific journals. Period.
> Get used to it.
> OffWorld
> .

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