--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> The future for the 21st century is research published in respected
> peer-reviewed scientific journals. Period.
> Get used to it.
> -OffWorld
> Dear Off_World, I am with you on this.  Jon Hagelin is too and he 
> a bone-fide scientist apparently.>>

Well, sorry, please don't put the word 'TM jihad' in my mouth. I am 
barely even talking about TM. I am talking about research published 
in peer-reviewed respected scientific journals. TM has a lot, but I 
am adamantly talking about scientific process here, and respect for 
that. Not TM alone.
> And those who are not with us?  Evidently negative tending social 
> parasites as a TM-TB'er as Nabby might say it & Dangerous to 
> by concluding your reasoning. >>

I don't understand this point.  Yes, research published in peer-
reviewed respected scientific journals is king in the 21st century, 
if that it what you are asking.
> Jon Hagelin in the FF Ledger:
> "Extensive published research shows that coherence and positivity is
> created in collective consciousness when a small number of people
> practice the Transcendental Meditation and more advanced Yogic
> Flying techniques together in a group-"
> "The Invincible America Assembly is raising the quality of
> collective
> consciousness and behavior throughout society to be more
> harmonious,
> more life supporting. And Nature is responding more positively."
> End of story>>

I think this would be a good addition and replication to the previous 
research if, and only if, it gets published in a respected peer-
reviewed scientific journal. 

> Yes, that is my experience.
> Off_World, whoever you are,
> Luv to Thee Off_W in this your TM-jihad.

That would be YOUR  TM-jihad Doug. Not mine.
Stop saying that stuff about TM-jihad please. That is a 
fundamentlist's term and I am only interested in research published 
in peer-reviewed respected scientific journals. I consider religion 
and other unproven philosophic ideas and techniques as a kind of 
poison to science. It must be given strong evidence, or move out the 
way. I don't care what it is, I only care about evidence under proper 
scientific peer-review.

Thanks, good luck with your jihad Doug.

But for all those anti-science freaks on FFL, much as it pains them 
each time they hear it, the future belongs to research published in 
peer-reviewed respected scientific journals. 
Get used to it.


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