--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> Dear Off_World, whoever you are, i think it is a brilliant position 
> you take and try to entrench.  I am with you on that.  But, where is 
> its virtue if it is not coupled with social progress?  It is like you 
> thrust with "peer review science" and then unable to stand up along 
> with the argument you run the other way taking its conclusions with 
> you. You could have been an ayatollah in the larger TM-jihad along 
> with the likes of Jon Hagelin but you drop the banner? What are you 
> afraid of in your thinking? That Rick or Alex might reveal your 
> identity here and that you would get banned from the Dome?
> I am intriqued with your seeming virtue, whoever you are.  Your 
> seeming principle & cool humility. Just on the brink as you deploy 
> it, you then spurn TM-jihad by declining to lead it further. It is 
> laid in your lap and you declined it. You could have been an 
> Ayatollah. A spiritual leader of jihad. A "Captain", a leader of 
> citizen Meditators for the Age of Enlightenment.  

Not to *mention* having 72 virgins waiting for 
you in Bramhaloka if you get snuffed in the
process of leading the TM-jihad.

And the brilliant part of this, from the TMO
point of view, is that they only need a *total*
of 72 virgins. The TM-jihad martyrs die and go
to Brahmaloka, and after they get there the 72
virgins *remain* virgins, because these dickless
wonders can't think of anything to do with them
except have them wash their robes and polish
their crowns.  :-)

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