So your point is to underwhelm and disappoint those of us who chose
not to go this route?  This is so gentle and sweet compared to the way
the Houston TM Center under Jane Hopson operated and with the way the
Course Office used to handle applications to the Course Office. 
Lovely, you manage to get to a phone, you run up what was then a
fantastic phone bill calling at 2:15, 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, 3:15, 4:00 and
got "This is the course office.  Our office hours are 2 PM to 5 PM
Monday through Friday, ..." or the slamming of the Dome doors in your
face (which was stopped because my landlady pulled out a piece of
paper, wrote up a petition, was beckoned to the Star Chamber at DEVCO,
told that this was very disrespectful but hanceforth anyone within
slight of the door closer got in).  

What a letdown.  I had always envisioned something more like the
Schutzstaffel might have pledged in their castle.  Was the truculence,
nastiness and caprice of certain governors and the MUM administration
the result of another pledge or just an individual power trip.  OTOH,
perhaps I'm reading too much into it.  I learned last night that FF
has no requirements for what constitutes a carpenter, electrician (my
places has a floating ground, I'm sure) or even a habitable building
until very recently landlords have to have the property inspected, by
the very same people who don't know what a grounding rod is.

--- In, "Richard J. Williams"
> "It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been accepted 
> to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God 
> to all those who need it. It is my joy to undertake the 
> responsibility of representing the Holy Tradition in all 
> its purity as it has been given to me by Maharishi and I 
> promise on your altar, Guru Dev, that with all my heart 
> and mind I will always work within the framework of the 
> Organisations founded by Maharishi. And to you, Maharishi, 
> I promise that as a Meditation Guide I will be faithful 
> in all ways to the trust that you have placed in me."
> Notes for readers:
> Here is the TMers pledge that all graduates of TM Teacher 
> Training are required to sign before becoming TM teachers. 
> Source:
> Malnak v. Yogi 
> U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey, Civil Action 
> No. 76-341
> Kropinski v. Yogi
> U.S. District Court, District of Columbia, Consolidated 
> Civil Action Nos. 85-2848-852854

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