--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> >
> > America's choice
> > by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme
> >
> > When American citizens go to the polls in November, they will 
> > the opportunity to change the course of history.
> Haven't hear this expressed anywhere else.  NOT
> On their decision
> > largely rests the style and structure of the immediate future. If
> > they choose wisely, they will elect a President committed to
> > fostering the well-being of all who long for peace and justice in
> > our troubled world; who realize that peace and justice are the
> > outcome of trust, and who are prepared to share the vast 
> > of their country to create that trust.
> > The alternative is too terrible to contemplate: a mounting 
> > of war and terror and counter-terror; a tightening grip on the
> > traditional freedoms of the American people; a breakdown of
> > relations with other countries; and a `pariah' reputation among 
> > nations for the proud United States. Who would knowingly make 
such a
> > choice?
> I thought Mr. Creme already pronounced us past this point.  I guess
> we're getting a second chance.  Or is it a third chance,  or maybe 
> fourth.
> >
> > Beleaguered
> > As the day of destiny approaches, the minds of many turn to the
> > beleaguered people of America whom, now, so many despise and 
> > They pray for the deliverance of its people from the cruel and 
> > exponents of illegal, usurped power. They call for every peace-
> > loving American to raise their voice against the war-mongering of
> > the present administration, and to cast their vote in like 
> Well, if you mean that we're going to have a new admininstration,  
> think that's likely, which is likely to have a new approach.  
Unless of
> course martial law gets imposed, as many here are certain will 
> (please don't include me in this.  The Art Bell crowd have 
> this with certainty every election for the past 16 years, at least)
> >
> > Canker
> > Of course, America is not alone at fault for the inequalities of 
> > world, the basic canker in our midst, the source of all our
> > troubles. It shares the blame with all the developed countries 
> > ride roughshod and cavalier over the poor and struggling, and 
> > awaken to this main source of tension — and terror.
> > Therein lies the fault of the Western world: these `successful'
> > countries owe their wealth and dominance largely to history, and
> > their ability to manipulate the world's economy to their own
> > advantage through aggressive `market forces'. The world's poor 
> > destitute now demand their share. If this simple right of 
justice is
> > not addressed and remedied, the world will know no peace. 
> > will fester and grow into war, which will threaten the future of 
> > people of Earth.
> A familiar theme.  But never under estimate the power of the gun.  
> as powerful as an idea whose time has come, but in the short term, 
> can be quite persuasive.
> > We, your Elder Brothers, cannot stand aside and watch while the 
> > future of the world is under threat. America is a great nation 
> > much of good to give the world. It must now awaken to its soul's
> > longing to serve, to live in peace and justice, and, together, in
> > harmony and co-operation, to work with all nations to remake this
> > world.
> > This election can be a great turning point in the affairs of men.
> > Cast your vote, We beg you, for justice, sharing and peace.
> Sounds like a good time for Maitreya to make his large undisputed 
> appearance.  You know, the appearance which has been promised for 
> long as you've been posting.  The one which will be made "in the 
> near future", when the "world is ready"

Are you reffering to "The Day of Declaration" when Maitreya will 
present His credidentials ? As we speak He is appearing to people 
and groups around the world on an almost daily basis, without 
revealing His nature.
Cosmic timing is not an easy matter to understand. All I know is 
that this "near future" (Day of Declaration) means in generation.

Regarding your other comments; this was, as you see below, an 
article prior to the last "election" - which was rigged by the way.

> > Share International Magazine, November 2004
> >
> > http://www.shareintl.org
> >

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