--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > America's choice
> > > by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme
> > >
> > > When American citizens go to the polls in November, they will 
> have
> > > the opportunity to change the course of history.
> > 
> > Haven't hear this expressed anywhere else.  NOT
> > 
> > On their decision
> > > largely rests the style and structure of the immediate future. 
> > > they choose wisely, they will elect a President committed to
> > > fostering the well-being of all who long for peace and justice 
> > > our troubled world; who realize that peace and justice are the
> > > outcome of trust, and who are prepared to share the vast 
> resources
> > > of their country to create that trust.
> > > The alternative is too terrible to contemplate: a mounting 
> programme
> > > of war and terror and counter-terror; a tightening grip on the
> > > traditional freedoms of the American people; a breakdown of
> > > relations with other countries; and a `pariah' reputation 
> the
> > > nations for the proud United States. Who would knowingly make 
> such a
> > > choice?
> > 
> > I thought Mr. Creme already pronounced us past this point.  I 
> > we're getting a second chance.  Or is it a third chance,  or 
> a
> > fourth.
> > >
> > > Beleaguered
> > > As the day of destiny approaches, the minds of many turn to the
> > > beleaguered people of America whom, now, so many despise and 
> hate.
> > > They pray for the deliverance of its people from the cruel and 
> crude
> > > exponents of illegal, usurped power. They call for every peace-
> > > loving American to raise their voice against the war-mongering 
> > > the present administration, and to cast their vote in like 
> fashion.
> > 
> > Well, if you mean that we're going to have a new 
> I
> > think that's likely, which is likely to have a new approach.  
> Unless of
> > course martial law gets imposed, as many here are certain will 
> happen. 
> > (please don't include me in this.  The Art Bell crowd have 
> predicted
> > this with certainty every election for the past 16 years, at 
> > >
> > > Canker
> > > Of course, America is not alone at fault for the inequalities 
> the
> > > world, the basic canker in our midst, the source of all our
> > > troubles. It shares the blame with all the developed countries 
> who
> > > ride roughshod and cavalier over the poor and struggling, and 
> must
> > > awaken to this main source of tension — and terror.
> > > Therein lies the fault of the Western world: these `successful'
> > > countries owe their wealth and dominance largely to history, 
> > > their ability to manipulate the world's economy to their own
> > > advantage through aggressive `market forces'. The world's poor 
> and
> > > destitute now demand their share. If this simple right of 
> justice is
> > > not addressed and remedied, the world will know no peace. 
> Terrorism
> > > will fester and grow into war, which will threaten the future 
> the
> > > people of Earth.
> > 
> > A familiar theme.  But never under estimate the power of the 
> Not
> > as powerful as an idea whose time has come, but in the short 
> it
> > can be quite persuasive.
> > 
> > > We, your Elder Brothers, cannot stand aside and watch while 
> very
> > > future of the world is under threat. America is a great nation 
> with
> > > much of good to give the world. It must now awaken to its 
> > > longing to serve, to live in peace and justice, and, together, 
> > > harmony and co-operation, to work with all nations to remake 
> > > world.
> > > This election can be a great turning point in the affairs of 
> > > Cast your vote, We beg you, for justice, sharing and peace.
> > 
> > Sounds like a good time for Maitreya to make his large 
> public
> > appearance.  You know, the appearance which has been promised 
> as
> > long as you've been posting.  The one which will be made "in the 
> very
> > near future", when the "world is ready". 

Q.Is there any specific date for Maitreya's appearance?
A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a World 
Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to precise 
dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed for 
dates written in stone. This is assuredly not the case. The Masters 
predict certain happenings to take place around a certain time but 
They know that humanity has freewill and therefore has an enormous 
influence on the precise timing of a given event. The Masters work 
in 2,000 year cycles, so for Them really precise timing is not a 
major consideration. No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya 
will take up His open work but everyone can understand that it is 
very, very soon. 
Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the onus 
is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. In 
this way people will be recognising the expression of their 
aspiration for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
following `The Teacher'.

Share International Magazine, April 2007

> Are you reffering to "The Day of Declaration" when Maitreya will 
> present His credidentials ? As we speak He is appearing to people 
> and groups around the world on an almost daily basis, without 
> revealing His nature.
> Cosmic timing is not an easy matter to understand. All I know is 
> that this "near future" (Day of Declaration) means in generation.
> Regarding your other comments; this was, as you see below, an 
> article prior to the last "election" - which was rigged by the way.
> > > Share International Magazine, November 2004
> > >
> > > http://www.shareintl.org
> > >
> >

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