--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
>  nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the 
> is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. 
> this way people will be recognising the expression of their  
> aspiration for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
> `The Teacher'.  Share International Magazine, April 2007
> Nab, you know I love ya like a brother, and I find myself 
> to many of Benjamen Creme's sentiiments, but the above, kinda 
> me of the ol, "if the initiators were more pure in their lives, 
> world plan would be further along", or, "the teachers are not 
> enough to bring about the age of enlightenment" type thing.  Not 
> really resonating with me anymore.

Maitreya will during His first public apperances not be known for 
who He really is, that will come later at what has been called the 
Day of Declaration. 
What Creme is saying here is simply that during this period the 
people will have to descide for themselves regarding wether His 
suggestions are wise or not. Based on what He says, not based on 
wether or not they know that he is a "savior", "The Teacher" or 
Maitreya the Christ himself. Makes sense to me that descisions are 
collectively made from levels of deeper, altruistic aspirations, not 
on the level of following some kind of "leader". 
Very down to earth kind of thinking, very Benjamin Creme and 

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