--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 3:29 AM, george_deforest wrote:
> > > curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > >
> > > I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
> > > in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular
> > > gurus...
> > >
> > > It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> > > his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.
> Curtis, this is the main thing that has bothered me about MMY and 
> the TMO--how could he (they) do that?  How could they take the good 
> will and good intentions of so many really nice people and treat 
> them like that? I think I may spend a long time  pondering that 
> question. I look forward to any revelations along the way.

I can only pass along one of the things that I 
found comforting and "releasing" about looking 
at such actions by spiritual teachers in terms
of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

They really aren't *concerned* with how "other
people" may feel about being treated one way or
another because in a very real sense there ARE
no "other people" in their world. The NPD per-
sonalities lack empathy; they're locked inside 
themselves (or themSelves, if you feel that they 
really are enlightened), and these other people 
around them really have no reality at all. The 
only thing that DOES have any reality is the 
stuff going on inside the head of the NPD

So it's really not as if they're "dissing"
these people and their good intentions and
their many contributions, financial-wise and
trust-wise and devotion-wise or any other kind
of -wise. The NPD personalities just don't
FEEL these other people, AT ALL. They barely 
ever *exist* for the person whose life embodies
Narcissistic Personality Disorder...these
other people are little more than gnats flit-
ting around them. Gnats come and they go; the
only thing that is important to the NPD person-
ality is their "mission," the way they see
themselves (or themSelves).

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think
that it's PERSONAL that Maharishi or any other
NPD spiritual teacher doesn't treat their 
students with respect. My feeling is that they
barely even notice that the students are even 

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