> curtisdeltablues wrote:
> I got a lot of peace from the article in the Skeptical Inquirer
> in 89 or 90 that compared these personality traits with popular 
> gurus...
> It explained how he could use and discard people as he unfolded
> his "mission."  I don't see this as a putdown.
> One piece of evidence I submit that perhaps he was mislead about
> the power of his teaching are the closest people to him that he
> left behind, presumably his most advanced pupils. 
> I think we have a pretty good idea that his optimism
> about his programs exceeded his results. 
> Or is that just me being negative on King Tony and Bevan? 

King Tony always struck me as not really wanting the king job,
put playing along, just to keep M happy out of reverence.
Which means he might give up the crown soon, now that he can.

But its Bevan im more worried about.

Bevan's whole life has been as Maharishi's defender, kind of 
like a cosmic body guard. But with M gone, Bevan might just
unravel and go bonkers. i hope im wrong, hope he can hang tough!

i have had my own issues with Bevan, but i dont wish him ill.

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