--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Hagelin looks likes he's going to snap at any moment...

I don't know enough about Hagelin to say, or care,
but it *does* remind me of a certain common "snap"
phenomenon that one tends to see in spiritual move-
ments soon after their leader dies. It usually 
doesn't take long to appear, no more than a month. 

It's when someone in the hierarchy of the organi-
zation (in this case, someone who is a "Raja" or a
national leader or a high-mucky-muck in the MUM
administration) "gives an order" or "makes a 
pronouncement" the way they're used to being able
to do...and the persons they're talking to LAUGH
at them, or tell them to fuck off.

It's gonna happen. Hagelin and the Rajas and all 
the rest are *used* to being able to "give orders,"
or "make pronouncements." And people have put up 
with it because Maharishi was around, and clearly 
he wanted everyone to pretend that these people 
giving orders or making pronouncements were his 
representatives, and "must be respected."

But that's all over now.

It's just a matter of time. One of these guys will
try to give orders and everyone will LAUGH at him
and go back to doing whatever they were doing before
he spoke. From his side, it will be as if he never
DID speak. NO ONE will be listening to him.

And THAT is going to be an interesting moment...

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