Let's take the question: "Who are you and what do you really do?"  The
domain in which the question is asked, is the same domain in which it
is answered.   That domain does not go away, it is not diminished,
that domain does not become dishonest.

Only in the context of an ever-expanding self does that domain shrink
- in WS, that domain is all we've got, in CC that domain appears as
though it's painted on (something?), in BC that domain exists only in
the boundaries, it allows one to distinguish this from that, to point
out Tom, Dick and Harry.

Again, let's take the question: "Who are you and what do you really
do?" Intellectually we know that the answer lies tenuously in our
memory, what we've experienced, what we've been told and how we've
been programmed to think, and, etc.   "I was born here, grew up here,
went to this school, met this person, had some kids, moved here . . .
and so on"  In WS our identity is bound this narrative and
instinctively we know how shaky this narrative is and so we spend a
disproportionate amount of time propping it up, we embellish it, feed
it and rehash it, rehash it, rehash it over and over because if we
lose it, it's back to square one.

In CC, if we lose our memory, we also lose that narrative - but we
don't lose our identity, our Self - - - and so, if the prospect of
losing that narrative leaves a wicked transcendental smile on your
face - that's CC 

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