Turq, Turq, Turq,
that is a totally excellent understanding of the
roadrunner as metaphor.  I might have to dedicate my
next poem to you for that one.  

When I just now saw Judy's first post of the week, I
thought "What do you bet it's a put-down of Turq?" 
Too bad I didn't have millions to bet or some wiling
fool to bet with cause the odds were astronomically in
my favor.

While settling into my ring-side seat, I'd like to
suggest that she's right with some, though by no means
all, of her objections. And even when she's right,
she's missing your intention.  Even so, of course,
there was absolutely no need for her final paragraph
in which she indulges in an unwarranted personal
attack by means of a generalization about your
supposed inability to understand research.  

--- TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The roadrunner's going to keep getting away.
> That's
> > just the way things work in this cartoon universe.
> Actually, there was one exception.
> If the roadrunner is enlightenment and Wile E.
> Coyote is the seeker, there WAS one moment in
> which he transcended the laws of this cartoon
> universe and realized his dream. He *caught*
> the roadrunner.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJJW7EF5aVk
> This is a potent metaphor for how close I think
> scientists are ever going to get to "defining"
> samadhi and enlightenment.  :-)

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