--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
> Turq, Turq, Turq,
> that is a totally excellent understanding of the
> roadrunner as metaphor.  I might have to dedicate my
> next poem to you for that one.  
> When I just now saw Judy's first post of the week, I
> thought "What do you bet it's a put-down of Turq?" 
> Too bad I didn't have millions to bet or some wiling
> fool to bet with cause the odds were astronomically in
> my favor.
> While settling into my ring-side seat, I'd like to
> suggest that she's right with some, though by no means
> all, of her objections.

Actually I made only one objection, Angela.

But why don't you expand a bit and tell us what you
all my objections were, along with your considered
opinion about which were right and which weren't,
and why?

> And even when she's right, she's missing your intention.

Er, no, I was confirming that his intention was
correct while pointing out that it was entirely
in line with what Lawson was saying. Barry thought
he was *criticizing* Lawson, because Barry does not
understand either what Lawson was saying, or how
the TM researchers study samadhi.

If you disagree, why don't you tell us what you think
Barry's intention was?

  Even so, of course,
> there was absolutely no need for her final paragraph
> in which she indulges in an unwarranted personal
> attack by means of a generalization about your
> supposed inability to understand research.

I've been telling Barry for some time that he needs
to pay some attention to what the research actually
involves before sounding off on it, because he
virtually always gets it all fouled up.

Oh, and don't bother to hold onto your ringside
seat, because Barry won't be responding to my post
(at least not substantively).

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