TurquoiseB wrote: > > Interestingly, that is the factor that is kill- > > ing Hillary in the polls and helping Obama. > > The people can feel each of their *intents*, > > and are reacting accordingly. > > Judy wrote: > Actually in many cases they're projecting > intents on both candidates. > "When these folks hear that a candidate's own minister has spewed anti-American, racial diatribes, it deeply disturbs them. Even before the Wright story broke, Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, a Hillary Clinton supporter, suggested that race would cost Obama about 5 percentage points in that state's primary next month."
Read more: 'It will take more than one great speech for Obama to reassure some Democrats' By Albert R. Hunt International Herald-Tribune, March 23, 2008 http://tinyurl.com/yoat4b