--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > This is a great topic for many reasons for me.  At the core it
> > discusses how we engage family members or friends in philosophical
> > debate and then it expressed, very well, some ideas I find inspiring. 
> > 
> > > What's the evolutionist's answer to the question? I would
> > > think it would have something to do with how enjoying
> > > life helps further life. Simple. The people who could not
> > > see beauty were more likely to say, "What the fuck," and
> > > give up.
> > 
> > I can't speak for other "evolutionists" but I do accept that the
> > evolutionary theory is the best understanding we have of our origins.
> >  I don't believe that human happiness has to have a reason.  It
> > doesn't seem to really be a product of the gene's need to reproduce
> > since so often the desire to have kids beyond someone's means brings
> > unhappiness and struggle.  Many miserable bastards seem to do quite
> > well in surviving and perpetuating their genes.  
> > 
> > For me the choice of joy at natural or man made beauty is a perk of
> > our wonderfully aware brains and imaginations.  I'm not sure that it
> > has to have a reason or that one can really be given.  It may be an
> > offshoot of our style of functioning without purpose or evolutionary
> > value.  It is not a universal or we would see people outside at sunset
> > time instead of glued to sitcoms.  OTOH we also were given an
> > awareness of our mortality and inevitable death with our awareness and
> > this may also just be an artifact of consciousness that isn't so
> charming.
> > 
> > <He's an existentialist, or so he says...*
> > 
> > "Existentialism is a philosophical movement that posits that
> > individuals create the meaning and essence of their lives, as opposed
> > to deities or authorities creating it for them." Wikipedia>
> > 
> > I find this so inspiring.  It lifts my spirits the way scriptures
> used to.
> > 
> > > Well, I thought a moment, and said; "Hey Cyril, I know the answer to
> > > that question".
> > 
> > Of course family history plays in here as an unknown.  But if I were
> > to hazard a guess it might be that your assertion of "knowing the
> > answer" to one of life's mystery with surety closed the door on
> > further sharing of perspectives.  He was approaching the question with
> > a bit of epistemological humility and you were approaching it as a
> > "knower."  You may not have meant it that way or maybe you did.  But I
> > also find that people who claim to have such answers with a sense of
> > surety turn me off in a discussion.  Perhaps there were too many
> > buttons of past lectures to get beyond the family dynamics but it also
> > might be possible to come from a place of your own appropriate
> > humility concerning life's grandest questions.  I'll bet you have your
> > own version of not knowing it all in these matters and you might find
> > it allows for a discussion among equals.  Humans pondering their place
> > in the world together instead of one who questions and one who knows.
> > 
> > Your answer had some poetic beauty on its own merit.  It was not an
> > answer but was a sharing of how you think about it.  It included many
> > implied pre-suppositions that your brother doesn't share (nor I), so
> > it couldn't really be accepted as an answer by him.
> > 
> > I have been on both sides of this kind of exchange so often.  I have
> > to admit that it is a lot more comfortable and produces more
> > conversations now that I don't know so much.  
> Well it is SCIish, unintentionally, but primarily the answer is in the
> domain of Philosophy and Religion. Someone once asked MMY which comes
> closer to the truth, the Scientist or the Artist and he said the Artist.
> Science holds one on the level of concrete thought whereas Art, on the
> other hand transcends concrete thought to embrace abstract ideas.
> Thanks for the compliment, indeed the question AND the answer are most
> beautiful.....

Well, the Artist *uses* Science, but usually not the other way around.


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