--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > --- curtisdeltablues" wrote:
> >
> > There is much more time spent on the miracles 
> > than any of [Jesus'] presentation of ethical philosophy 
> > which he gets so much undeserved credit for IMO.   
> Way to slap down Jesus, Curtis! You made Him your bitch!
> Seriously, though, that one miracle - coming back from 
> the dead - was a doozy, wasn't it? And the way it came 
> right after his No. 1 ethical teaching to forgive those who 
> hurt us. Kind of a powerful one-two punch, doncha think?
> "Jesus is here, and he wants to resurrect somebody!"
>     - Rumi

Not a big Jesus guy.  His philosophy was not original (even chimps
have forgiveness rituals)and the whole mythology was a rehash of
precious culture's myths.  I enjoy reading the Bible, but can hardly
believe this was the myth that sold so well in the world out of all
the options.  Luck of the draw and the political uses of early
Christianity as a unifier and stompdown tool I guess.

Nice Rumi quote though.

My favorite Jesus quote is my original:

"Hey Jesus, since you've risen, how about getting me a beer!"

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