--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "gruntlespam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On a side note, what's interesting about this BBC synopsis on the show,
> and the BBC show it self - is how the BBC now feel the need to dumb-down
> everything and add "drama" all the time.
> They make it seem like research is "just starting", when it's been going on
> for years. And the point about "interest in meditation [could] turn out to be
> a passing fad" is just moronically funny - yeah, like a "fad" lasting 5,000
> years or more.
> But as I mention above, the research about part of the cortex actually 
> thickening
> by around .1mm to .2mm is simply astonishing. A demostratable physical change
> of substance - not just lines on a graph or MRI scans.

It's not astonishing at all (if it was, the scientists wouldn't have thought to 
look for it): 
chronic activation of the brain while doing specific motor tasks is known to 
cortical thickness in the areas activated by those tasks. The research is worth 
on because it shows that activation of mental processes has the same affect, 
but its not 

Its kinda predictable --which is what the scientists did: they predicted the 
effect and 
found confirmation.

The REAL question: does this induced activation lead to behavioral changes?


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