What does one thing have to do with the other?  As a TM teacher one would not 
be talking about this in this way.   The planet is in big trouble because of 
man's free will.   We do not even know if earth quakes can be caused 
intentionally.   I do not believe that God would ever cause suffering.   I do 
believe that people create their own Karma.   Maybe Chickens actually do come 
home to roost.   Who is to say well this is because of that?   I think the only 
thing to do now is to assist in whatever way one can.   If I were a monk from 
Nepal I may have one opinion.  If I were Tibetan living under Chinese 
domination I may think something else.   The law of cause and effect, one 
aspect of the divine intelligence known as God is always functioning.  So to 
try and figure out if God was angry I doubt it is about blaming our mistakes on 

I just wish that these things could happen even more frequently in more places. 
 Human being forget quickly.  George Bush will say oh what a tragedy today and 
campaign to bomb Iran tomorrow.   People will pass through 9/11, Iraq missiles 
of mass destruction, the economic disaster, Katrina and on and on and still 
think about putting a Republican who wants to continue the current strategies 
in office.

Brasil never has MAJOR DISASTERS but  one is coming I believe, why?  Because of 
the way the country treats its own people.  No matter how much money this 
country makes, no matter how much resources it has a great percentage of the 
people live in complete poverty.   Only a few people are rich but those few 
control all and rape all.   I say bring it on, maybe the message will be loud 
enough that people will begin to listen.

God speaks softly we ignore, God speaks a little louder we hear but rationalize 
the message away, the world begins to speak and then we think well what to do?  
When God comes around and kicks us in the ass we cry OH GOD IS ANGRY OR GOD IS 

"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Curtis wrote:
> So following this weather based theology we can 
> assume that God absolutely hates China and dropped 
> a huge earthquake on it's ass and despises Burma 
> and sent them a nasty cyclone?
As a TM teacher, you should be able to define 'God' 
and 'enlightenment', otherwise you're circle jerking 
and just making fun of the poor Burmese. 

Why would you want to make fun of those poor people?


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