--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that anti-Iraq war films 
> > simply don't do very well at the box office since the beginning 
> > the Gulf War.
> > 
> > Can you name one anti-war film that's done well?  "Redacted"?
> > 
> > And I don't think the reason is that the movie-going public is 
> > Iraq War; it's more a factor of fatigue.
> For once, I agree with Shemp. But I would use
> the word "denial" instead of "fatigue." It's
> more of a "I don't have to think about the war;
> the people we pay to make decisions for us will
> think about the war...it's not MY kids dying"
> thang than it is a "pro-war" thang.
> > Why should I shell out 18 dollars to get even MORE of it (there 
> > are one or two "protest" songs about the war on the album) when 
> > I want to get AWAY from it for a few minutes!
> The phenomenon Shemp is describing is not fatigue.
> It is more accurately called "plausible deniability."
> It's the same whine we heard from on-the-street 
> Germans after WWII. "We didn't know what was happen-
> ing to the Jews...it's not OUR fault." 

Look, I participate on this forum day-in and day-out (except when I 
banned, of course, which is often) and I read all the major sites on 
the internet and watch the cable TV news programs.

IS.  This is NOT the same as what the German on the street was 
hearing during WWII; it's the opposite.

> I think what Shemp is trying to say is that he does
> not CARE whether people in Iraq are dying, or whether
> Americans are dying. All he wants is his entertainment,
> so he can listen to boppy, uptempo music in peace and
> count his money.

Yes, Barry.

The more death, misery, and torture, the happier I am.

> THIS is why Europeans have lost hope in America.

Uh, this is why the elitist Europeans -- the ilk which you obviously 
hang around with -- have lost hope in America.

> It's not because of Bush; it's because of the American
> PEOPLE. They no longer CARE what their government does
> in their name, as long as the entertainment never
> stops.

Any day of the week, we can compare the Europeans' record of death 
and destruction with that of America's and we'll see who has the 
better record.

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