--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you live in New York or Los Angeles.  Unfortunately John 
> "War, Inc." is opening this weekend in only two theaters.  The 
> in New York and the Landmark in Los Angeles.  It is a hilarious 
> on corporatism and war with Cusack and Dan Ackroyd playing a Dick 
> like character.  Cusack was interview on Thom Hartmann's show this 
> morning in the second hour and said he has fought an uphill battle 
> get it in theaters.  Seems out "liberal" Hollywood has fallen in 
> with the fascists even telling him the war is still going on and 
> film inappropriate.

Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that anti-Iraq war films 
simply don't do very well at the box office since the beginning of 
the Gulf War.

Can you name one anti-war film that's done well?  "Redacted"?

And I don't think the reason is that the movie-going public is PRO 
Iraq War; it's more a factor of fatigue.

For example, I love the Dixie Chicks (up to the last one, I've bought 
every album they've made).  I haven't bought the last one because I 
am in disagreement with the stance on the war but for the simple fact 
that I am exhausted from being barraged day and night on the radio, 
TV, and newspapers about the war.

Why should I shell out 18 dollars to get even MORE of it (there are 
one or two "protest" songs about the war on the album) when I want to 
get AWAY from it for a few minutes!

>  You can hear the interview here:
> http://green960.com/pages/podcasts.html
> Click on Thom Hartmann "audio archives" and the May 23rd second 
> podcast.  I'm surprised that "Green 960" didn't arrange for a 
> showing as they do with other films (even more controversial).
> Of course I would also say he picked a bad weekend to open what 
with the 
> theaters booking the latest (and worst reviewed) Indiana Jones film 
> multiple auditoriums as a cash cow and the sheep I'm sure will fill 
> those auditoriums up (hey, I'll even check it out next week at a 
> up the hill while the kids are in school and adults at work so I'll 
> a good seat).
> Movie info:
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0884224/
> Have I mentioned lately how much I hate corporatism!

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