On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:54 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

On Jun 5, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Amazing to me that people blame someone else when they lack moral
character. "It must be the "movement's" fault that I didn't keep my
promise. Somehow this justifies my lack of ethics." It's a broad
excuse to justify anything and everything. Just look at what you
wrote, "I don't believe that the TMO should get away scot-free", so
therefore YOU are going to be the one chosen to deliver whatever you
deem fair recompense for (again broad undescribable term)the TMO.
Anything goes right? Maybe there could be some level of honor and
still maintain a discussion without lowering yourself to breaking of
legal contracts that you signed.

Which ones have I broken?

JOOC, what brought on this whole rant?  Surely it couldn't
have been my obvious joke about the 6th AT.  And what
makes her think you've broken any promises?  And why
single out just you?

Spiritual techniques are free for all humans. They've been published long, long ago and are all in the public domain. If there's one reason it should be known, it should be to show how megalomaniacal bhogis distort tradition. That's the only thing being hidden here (well, and a thousand other foibles).

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