> > Why are you acting like such a dick?
> > 
> Because you are making TMO status claims and 
> trying to make us think that you were close to 
> the Marshy?

I have corrected this statement too many times for me to take the bait
again Richard.  I have an opinion about the guy.  That is all.

 That you were trying to make me feel
> inferior because you once sat in the same hotel
> lobby with the Marshy?

That was kind of interesting Richard.  Tell me more about how I am
trying to make you feel inferior?  If you have a drop of self
reflective ability, you might find some useful information in that
statement.  Good luck with that.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> > > maybe the Marshy thought you sucked as a TM 
> > > teacher and sucked even more as a manager.
> > 
> > Trollish and argumentative.  Are you working 
> > on me so that I will ignore your posts as most 
> > others do?  
> >
> Well, it's obvious to almost everyone that you
> TM teachers failed - you failed at your stated
> goals. Almost none of the projects you supposedly
> worked on suceeeded. So, I wouldn't blame the
> Marshy for kicking you out. In private business,
> you would have been fired years ago, due to a 
> failure in management. But it's nothing to be
> defensive about - not very many people succeed 
> at being spiritual teachers, especially when 
> their goal is to 'spiritually regenerate' the 
> entire world. Unless you are some kind of saint
> or guru, you are surely going to fail big time.
> Is that what is really bothering you?
> > Why are you acting like such a dick?
> > 
> Because you are making TMO status claims and 
> trying to make us think that you were close to 
> the Marshy? That you were trying to make me feel
> inferior because you once sat in the same hotel
> lobby with the Marshy?

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