-"Ramtha" was channeled by J.Z. Knight, one of the main New-Age so-
called experts in the "What the Bleep" film.  Hagelin was also there 
as a featured representative of the new physics. The Ramtha/Knight 
popularity rapidly declined after she appeared to a group of gays and 
told them they'd all be dead in 10 years.  That was about 20 years 
ago. On the same level of incredibility as Creme's Maitreya.
  Wiki says:

Ramtha is the central figure (the "master teacher") of Ramtha's 
School of Enlightenment, started by JZ Knight in 1987 in Yelm, 
Washington. Classes (or "dialogues") had been held around the world 
for the previous ten years. A central theme of Ramtha's alleged 
teachings involve the internalization of divinity (God is in Us, You 
are God, Behold God, etc.). Ramtha is described as having brought his 
knowledge to many ancient civilizations in the world such as the 
Ancient Egyptians. The website also suggests that traces of the 
lineage of the original teachings and philosophies he taught 35,000 
years ago have appeared throughout history in the schools of 
philosophers like Socrates, religions like Hinduism and Judaism, and 
the works of great minds such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

In Ramtha's system of thought, the material world — the densest plane 
of existence — and the physical body are never regarded as evil, 
undesirable, or intrinsically bad. A dualistic interpretation of 
reality typically found in the gnostic traditions — emphasizing the 
struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, sin and 
righteousness — is excluded in Ramtha's system of thought. What 
becomes an undesirable condition is to remain in a state of ignorance 
or denial as to our true nature and destiny.

The four cornerstones of Ramtha's philosophy are:

1. The statement 'You are God'
2. The directive to make known the unknown
3. The concept that consciousness and energy create the nature of 
4. The challenge to conquer yourself

When Knight claims she is channelling Ramtha, she speaks only 
English, although in an accented and sometimes simplistic way and has 
expressed confusion about modern items ("What is a carrot?", "What 
say you in this silver chariot?" directed at a woman in a wheelchair 
['Ramtha', 1986]) while also professing intimate knowledge of worldly 
affairs and conspiracies. During the channeling she behaves 'manly', 
with her chest puffed up talking in a deeper and stern voice, and 
often seen smoking a pipe.[1]

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --No connection.  Creme is an a-hole.  Maitreya hasn't appeared yet.
> MMY is the maha-teacher of TM.
> - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > There have always been paths of freedom and paths of 
> so  
> > > this is hardly new. Just the same old, same old pattern of 
> > > suffering overshadowing our innate authenticity. Some "masters" 
> will  
> > > enslave their students, while others will set theirs free.
> > 
> > Absolutely. Maharishi never forced His will on anyone, nor does 
> Lord 
> > Maitreya ofcourse. Free will is a sacred principle by all real 
> Masters. 
> > Mr. Creme's involvment is also on a 100% volountary basis. He was 
> > politely ask to be a "messengerboy" and agreed. He has absolutely 
> > nothing to gain in wordly matters by doing what he is doing; no 
> fees, 
> > all proceeds from books goes directly and uncut to Share 
> International, 
> > etcetc. He gets his travelexpenses covered and that's it. He is 
> > respected painter by profession. If you ask him I think he'd say 
> > would rather paint. He was politely asked to do this job and 
> agreed. 
> > Simple.
> > 
> > Just because someone, in this case petersuptken, heard about it 
> > the '80s doesn't mean it isn't real. I never met Charlie Lutes, 
> > from what I've read he was quite a loonie. Several persons on FFL 
> has 
> > stated that Lutes had a rather liberal view regarding facts, to 
> the 
> > least. That this dr. peter reffers to Lutes as an authority on 
> Benjamin 
> > Creme I find eh, rather peculiar.
> > 
> > That Maitreya is about to reveal His real nature is obviously 
> > difficult for religious fundamentalists to swallow. Buddhist and 
> > Christians alike. Vaj and the Turk are not alone in this 
> opposition, 
> > actually most Buddhist are indoctrinated to believe that the Lord 
> > Maitreya will not incarnate in 300.000 years from know. Another 
> myth 
> > soon to be shattered.
> > 
> > Time will reveal how involved Maharishi was in the work of 
> Maitreya. 
> > One of who's most prominent Masters happens to be Brahmananda 
> > Saraswathi. If you wondered why Mr. Creme's information caught my 
> > attention in the first place, well now you know.
> > 
> > "Heaven will walk on earth, in this generation."
> > - Maharishi
> >

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