On Oct 13, 2008, at 6:07 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

your taken name, Vajradhatu, comes from the Tibetan Buddhist
tradition. As I recall, when Tibet was forcibly colonized by the
communist Chinese, the religious Tibetan heirarchy did the same
thing that Mr. Hagelin is doing, justifying the events of the
colonization in terms of their religious prophecy and beliefs. What
is the difference sir? Is the pot calling the kettle black?

Not the same at all. They'd actually known about it decades before and proposed tax measures to help against the eventual invasion! Delegations were sent to the Tibet-Chinese border, explaining that if they accepted a raise in taxes, an eventual invasion could be avoided.

The people turned down the tax raise, and as prophecized the invasion occurred 80 some odd years later; many of the highest Lamas escaped; some remained; the world has benefitted immeasurably. Don't get me wrong, it was a horrible tragedy, but it's benefit has been remarkable.

And I wouldn't compare advanced yogis with TMers or high lamas with pseudoscience--I've met both and it's not a fair comparison. Before the advent of Buddhism in Tibet it was an incredibly barbaric place and was transformed to one of the greatest centers of higher consciousness in human history. So it's a really poor comparison.

Are you implying that Dr. Hagelin is "prophesizing"? It seems to me, he's selling.

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