---Right, may or may not be true. I'd say it is...; but nevetheless, 
it's not "Being" that will capture the imagination and fascination of 
humanity.  It will be SIDHIS.  The minute even a small number of X-
Men/Women appear on the earth with actual demonstrations of (say, 
healing); the world will change in a flash and we will be ready to 
get into the real New Age. But just "pure Consciousness"?  Boring.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2008, at 2:52 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > Shrug. There's suggestive evidence that extreme alpha coherence 
> > the brain
> > might be due to quantum interaction effects. Vaj's favorite  
> > Buddhist meditation
> > research is touted by Quantum Mind fans like Hamerhoff as 
evidence of
> > the 40Mhz EEG coherence due to QM effects in the brain that  
> > Hamerhoff has
> > been making for many years.
> Actually the theory was worked out by Roger Penrose and Stu 
> and is very preliminary theory. I don't think anyone takes it 
> seriously, but it is interesting theoretical fun.
> Also, it's of little interest if the Buddhist and Hindu research 
> samadhi is relevant to just me. What made the Gamma-coherence 
> research so interesting was not only that it was the first to  
> replicate the samadhi of Patanjali yogins, but it was also the 
> recent example of a highly coherent EEG state outside of waking,  
> sleeping or dreaming. That's why it's of major interest and 
> such worldwide acclaim.

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