On Oct 18, 2008, at 3:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Your hypocrisy is stunning, Curtis. You've seen the
misogynistic vomit (including death threats) hurled
at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
post here, not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.

You have no excuse.

Women, Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

I'm not sure who you're quoting, Robert,
but I can guess. Therefore I demand that
she back up her claim of "death threats"
made *on this forum* against "her and
Raunchydog and other women who attempt
to post here." I want the exact quotes,
and the message numbers of the posts in
which these "death threats" were made.

Not to mention "death threats" against...Jackie Kennedy?
Wouldn't those clearly be a waste of said threatener's time?

I too am interested in seeing the quotes, but
I'm not going to hold my breath.


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