Obama is the best
> thing since Velveeta cheese, or that the DNC and the media rigged the
> primary, or that sexist language incites violence and misogyny toward
> women, or you think Hillary is the better candidate, then you are in
> safe territory. No one will try to diminish you as a woman if you are
> content to rattle around in your brain about how TM sucks. On that
> topic, you'll not find anyone to call you a cunt. There is no
> connection between your opinion that this is crappy place for 
> women to post because it's loaded with people too stupid to know they
> were duped by the TMO and the hostile climate toward women who refuse
> to be pissed upon. As Judy would say, "Non-sequitur."
For people who think that Valveeta cheese is the best, must not live 
in Wisconsin. The truth is Valveeta cheese is processed, just like 
Hillary was, McCain and Palin is.
We don't want no processed cheese, nor do we want proceessed 
Processed by the Corporations, whether it be 'Kraft Foods' or 'Fox 
If Sarah Palin isn't a 'process candidate' then I don't know who is.
She's plucked from some idea to 'energize the base' although she is 
the least qualified VP pick in living memory.
I don't feel hostility towards woman.
I feel hostility for people who lie, and manipulate.
Women like Jackie Kennedy, Michelle Obama, Caroline Kennedy are 
heroines in my mind.
Your attacks on men on this forum, speaks more of your hatred toward 
men...it's your movie, and the hatred spews like raw sewage.

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