--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Oct 26, 2008, at 3:10 PM, okpeachman2000 wrote:
> > Your hypocrisy.
> >
> > Unelectable? Just wait 9 days sweetie.
> > You are a posterchild for bitter racist
> > manhating stupidity.
> You know, I was thinking about this...in all the elections
> I can recall, never has one of the long-shots, including
> *real* long shots like Dole and Mondale, not to mention
> Goldwater and McGovern, ever been referred to as
> "unelectable," even though, since all were running against
> popular incumbents, it would have been a far more applicable
> term than it is now.  Why only this time, did many of HIllary's
> supporters, as well as Hillary herself I believe, throw out this
> incredibly mean-spirited term at Obama?
> Food for thought.
> Sal
Hillary's campaign didn't become racist until Bill's remark in South 
McCain's campaing has been going racist, and Sarah Palin feeds off 
this kind of thing.
Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, was one who started the racist 
rant, saying he didn't feel a black man could win the presidency.
This has been relayed by Representative Mutha who correctly 
characterized the tribes in Western Pennsylvania as being the most 
racist group, in the nation...deer hunter country....like the movie-
'The Deer Hunter'...really some mean and macho attitudes.
So, since we are in a 'phase transition' this kind of thing, is not 
being supported anymore, as the attmosphere is clear enough now, to 
avoid taking this sh*t seriously.
Dispite these racial attitudes that have kept of country and people 
down for so long, Obama and JOe will win by a landslide.

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