On Feb 17, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Randy Meltzer wrote:

You again have invalidated me and people like me with good
experiences with TM.  You mentioned above that you don't really buy
that there are people who have found everything that Maharishi
promised through TM, even though they believe they have.  Again you
are entitled to your opinion, but guess what.  I don' just "Believe"
that I have experienced everything that Maharishi promised, I have
actually experienced it!   Why can't you accept that???? You
inability to accept this show how closed minded  and opinionated you
are.  I don't need to go the more "positive" TM forums, I can take
criticism and negativity toward TM and the organization.  I may even
be the first person to acknowledge some of it.  But when someone like
me comes along and says "hey look TM works for me", you can't accept
it.  Thats my point

Whether he can or can't, Randy, so what?
Why is Vaj's opinion so important to you?


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