On Feb 17, 2009, at 7:05 PM, Randy Meltzer wrote:

> Vaj,
> You again have invalidated me and people like me with good
> experiences with TM.  You mentioned above that you don't really buy
> that there are people who have found everything that Maharishi
> promised through TM, even though they believe they have.  Again you
> are entitled to your opinion, but guess what.  I don' just "Believe"
> that I have experienced everything that Maharishi promised, I have
> actually experienced it!   Why can't you accept that???? You
> inability to accept this show how closed minded  and opinionated you
> are.  I don't need to go the more "positive" TM forums, I can take
> criticism and negativity toward TM and the organization.  I may even
> be the first person to acknowledge some of it.  But when someone like
> me comes along and says "hey look TM works for me", you can't accept
> it.  Thats my point

Then you need to re-read what I wrote, I'm glad it works for you and  
it's great that you enjoy your experiences--and no you're not first  
person to acknowledge problems, nor will you be the last.

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