hats off to you emptybill! brilliant, entertaining and informative, 
all without sacrificing any of the three- 

i guess the reason Vaj doesn't post on here -all- the time is he is 
busy soliciting donations at the airport, and dancing on the 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutphen@> 
> >
> > Hey, I like Vaj. He and I have completely different takes on 
MMY, but
> so what. Like the black and white cookie: world peace. And who is 
> Randy Melzer anyway? Is he a Hare Krishna spy? How do we know for 
> …
> Hi Randy,
> Welcome to the group. And we know you're not really a Hare Krsna.
> Peter was just making an insider joke here (but not at your 
expense) so
> don't take offence. In reality, Vaj is our actual Hare Krsna on the
> forum and most of us know this by now. Don't get too stirred up 
> when he attacks Maharishi and TM. He's just doing his job as he was
> instructed and as he agreed.
> Vaj came here at the invitation of Kirk Bernhardt after they met 
at a
> Dzogchen retreat. Because he spoke the language of Dzogchen and 
> Kirk thought Vaj was a Tantric-Dzogchen practitioner. Since Kirk 
> getting into conceptual tussles with some people here, he decided 
> could use someone with a similar background to back him up in
> discussions. So he invited Vaj to the group to shake everyone up –
> starting with "Hey, look at my little friend, Vaj, curled up here 
> my travel bag. Isn't he really cool man? Don't worry! He really
> likes being with people. He'll just slither up around your neck and
> wrap around it with a flickering kiss. You'll be like Lord Shiva
> wearing his garland of serpents." So he talked and people were
> willing to listen for a while, entertained by the little 
whispering Vaj.
> What Kirk didn't realize was that Vaj was not the strident Buddhist
> he appeared to be. Vaj was actually a Gaudiya Vaishnava disciple 
of one
> of the Hare Krsna ritvik-gurus who was still active here in 
America. Vaj
> was performing a task requested by his initiating guru, Srila
> Vijayadarshana dasa Goswami. The request was for Vaj to follow in 
> lead of prior Vaishnava followers to disrupt and refute the demonic
> "Mayavadins", of whom they considered Maharishi to be the
> biggest. (Mayavadin is a Vaishnava term denoting someone believing
> everything is illusion.)
> The basic technique of this practice is for the opponent (Vaj) to 
> with the forum as a person with similar experiences. After people 
> comfortable with his flickering tongue, he then gradually 
> doubts and rebuttals from a tradition that is somewhat similar
> (Buddhist) but which criticizes the one in which he is temporarily
> positioned (Advaita Vedanta). The sole purpose is to unlatch 
people from
> their familiarity with their own experiences (i.e. introducing 
> about everything) and then offering them a variant framework for
> understanding. The key here is not to be too precise but rather 
> generic notions of "superior" states and stations of spiritual
> development that are unavailable, except from another tradition.
> The ironic premise of it all is hilarious. Serpentine Vaj is 
> using an anti-cult deprogramming technique to free us from 
> First by trying to displace our belief in our direct experience 
> inveterate doubt (doubt for its own sake) and then secondly by 
> us a way out through another path (any other path). Isn't it 
> what techniques the Hare Krsna devotees have learned from their
> anti-cult opponents?
> So this is how Vaj developed and grew here on the forum. Vaj was 
just a
> little flickering coil at first but over time has become an
> Anti-Maharishi first responder, gigantic and ponderous – a hulk of
> vituperative antagonism.
> However, please don't think badly about Vaj and his task here on
> FFL. He really loves us. He just wants to separate us from our 
> about illusion – meaning about Maharishi and TM.
> He vowed it to his guru – you know like words of honor between a
> knight and his liege lord.
> Samaya Jah Jah Jah

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