On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Vaj wrote:

I was struck on the BBC meditation video, where they go to Maharishi Vedic City (as they called it) of not only how obviously whacky some of the people seemed and how vata-deranged the Johnsons seemed but how disorganized the place looked just driving around. (The Johnson's seemed like Nazi's trying to be polite to the Jew who showed up at the Fuerher's birthday party)


For an org that prides itself on it's "self-organizing power" it looked like a place I would not want to live. It certainly didn't look at all like the neat mandalic pictures one saw before it was built.

What I found a bit disconcerting the one day I drove
around there with a friend from out-of-town was
that there nobody outside, anywhere, despite the fact
that it was a beautiful, sunny day.

Can't remember if it was a weekday or not, so people
could have theoretically been working...but, even so,
*nobody* outside?  Is enjoying the sun also considered


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