On Mar 8, 2009, at 5:19 PM, Vaj wrote:

On Mar 8, 2009, at 6:12 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

What I found a bit disconcerting the one day I drove
around there with a friend from out-of-town was
that there nobody outside, anywhere, despite the fact
that it was a beautiful, sunny day.

Can't remember if it was a weekday or not, so people
could have theoretically been working...but, even so,
*nobody* outside?  Is enjoying the sun also considered

IIRC that's the exact way it was in the BBC vid. Deserted. "Left Behind" could have been filmed there with no advance warning. It certainly didn't look like where the Vedic June and Ward Cleaver would have lived.

LOL, Left Behind sounds about right....
could be a stage set for Village Of The Damned


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