On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Kirk <kirk_bernha...@cox.net> wrote:
> I'm over the Celexa shit. I am taking it but it's pretty much just a certain
> kind of buzz, and not so very. I find myself smiling though.  But then again
> I haven't changed any of my regular program, which let's say resembles that
> of a Shaivitte prolly the best. And we know Shiva is the Jah Rastafari. So I
> might be smiling stupidly anyway ?!
> Am I doing better? No. I can't move. I am as paralyzed as at any time in my
> life. I am doing things just to keep busy. At least I have friends who are
> as bored and jobless so we try some things together so I get the benefit of
> helping another. That's what I live for. I am that loony singing in his car
> with the windows open, smoking and going nowhere.
> I don't see how TM changes any of that!

Kirk, I don't see TM changing a lot in the lives of a lot of people.
It's a path that will right some lives, improve some others.

Say on the Celexa.  Your doctor will assess you and perhaps up the
dose or change the drug.  The drug is not a panacea but do give it
time to work.  Finding yourself smiling now and then is good news no
matter what you want to attribute the smiling too, as long as it's not
rape, mayhem and mass murder.  And those don't describe you.

Right about now it's about time to get out and get out of yourself.  I
hear you, a vacation in Hawaii sounds good for most of us right now.
But how about some service?  I'm gung ho on two non-profits:  Feeding
America (formerly Second Harvest) and Habitat for Humanity.  I notice
that there's a big food bank in New Orleans and also Habitat for
Humanity has an office there.  You have some free time on your hands.
How about giving your fellow man some help?  As you sow, ...

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